I was just reading through some blogs and there is a Linky Party going on about what your Daily schedule looks like across the states. It's interesting to see different teacher schedules in different areas. I am linking up with Susan at
Thank God it's First Grade. Now I must admit I am a bit jealous of her schedule and wish I had something like it, but it is what it is.
So like Susan I am curious as to what everyone else's schedule is like!!
How long is your school day? How long do you have for each subject? Do
you have a Social Studies or Science block? Do you get time for planning
or PD each week?
I am NOSY!
Here is my Daily Schedule:
Monday & Wednesday
8:15 to 8:45 - Breakfast in the Classroom and Read to Self
8:45 to 9:30 - Science/Social Studies
9:30 to 10:10 - Specials
10:10 to 10:30 - Calendar Math
10:30 to 11:30 - Math in Focus
11:30 to 11:45 - Vocabulary
11:45 to 12:05 - Read Aloud
12:05 to 12:40 - Lunch/Recess
12:40 to 2:20 - Daily 3 Reading/Writing Block with Conferencing
2:20 to 2:45 - Wellness (every other day) On off days we continue reading/writing
2:45 to 3:30 - Extra Round of Reading
Tuesday & Thursday
8:15 to 8:45 - Breakfast in the Classroom and Read to Self
8:45 to 9:30 - Science/Social Studies
9:30 to 10:10 - Specials
10:10 to 10:30 - Calendar Math
10:30 to 11:30 - Math in Focus
11:30 to 11:45 - Vocabulary
11:45 to 12:05 - Read Aloud
12:05 to 12:40 - Lunch/Recess
12:40 to 2:20 - Daily 3 Reading/Writing Block with Conferencing
2:20 to 2:45 - Wellness (every other day) On off days we continue reading/writing
2:45 to 3:30 - Technology
8:15 to 8:45 - Breakfast in the Classroom and Read to Self
8:45 to 9:30 - Library Skills/Checkout
9:30 to 10:10 - Specials
10:10 to 10:30 - Calendar Math
10:30 to 11:30 - Math in Focus
11:30 to 11:45 - Vocabulary
11:45 to 12:05 - Read Aloud
12:05 to 12:40 - Lunch/Recess
12:40 to 2:20 - Daily 3 Reading/Writing Block with Conferencing
2:20 to 2:45 - Wellness (every other day) On off days we continue reading/writing
2:45 to 3:30 - Reading with our First Grade Buddies
Now to answer the questions:
How long is your school day? Our school day officially starts at 8:30, but kids start coming into our classroom about 8:15 when buses arrive with their breakfast. They are to get their book boxes and read independently during this time when they are finished with breakfast. This breakfast program just started this year, and all students get FREE breakfast! Our school day is 7 hours.
How long do you have for each subject? We are mandated to spend 60 minutes a day in Math in Focus and 60 minutes a day with Treasures for Reading. I use a bit of Treasures, but also mix in other mini lessons through out my Daily Reading time. We are also suppose to teach a certain number of minutes of Science per week too.
you have a Social Studies or Science block? Yes, we get 45 minutes M-Th and integrate it in reading throughout the week.
Do you get time for planning
or PD each week? We (my grade level team) meet with our Instructional Facilitator during one of our Specials each week for planning and Data. My partner teacher and I also meet whenever we need to and make our own plan for that.
Now I'd love to hear more from each of you!!! What is your schedule?