The biggest giving page out there is Caring Classrooms with more than 7,000 followers on their facebook page. They have funding days every Sunday where teachers and other supporters donate to the projects on their page. In addition, teachers can request that their project be featured on their page each Sunday. They will only post 10 teacher projects at a time, but believe me they fund fast. I recently had a project on their page and the support was tremendous. Please check them out and like their facebook page.
Another great giving page that supports teachers in the South on their projects is Southern Hospitality on Donors Choose. Although, I don't live in the south, I like to support their page, because the admin on the page gives out great advice and funding tips to teachers. Please go and like their page and check them out.
Kindergarten Rocks is another giving page that offers amazing support. Just recently she promoted a project of mine that got funded within hours. The cool part of it was the fact that my project wasn't even on her page at the time. She did it because I had been using her challengeid to support her giving page. I'm learning so much!! Please click on the link and check out and like Kindergarten Rocks and write a Donors Choose Project.
Okay, I'm not even close to being done with all of the great giving pages. The next one is DonorsChoose Anonymous and they have provided me with amazing help and tips to get my project funded. I even ran a contest with one of their admins on their page. Please go and like and check out their amazing giving page.
There are so many more amazing pages. They are all so helpful and offer some amazing advice and help teachers get their projects funded. I don't have time right now to write about them each individually so, I'm going to list and link them here, please go and check them out on FB and see what they have to offer.
Music Makes Our Students Smarter - Supports music projects
Classroom Angels - supports all projects
Mrs. Kinder Owl - supports all projects
The Roundup - supports projects across U.S.
Send a Smile Giving Page - supports all projects
Northern Lights Donors Choose Giving Page - works to support projects in the northern U.S.
Special Acts for Special Kids - supports projects in U.S.
Reading is FUNdamental - Supports book and literacy based projects
#Team 37 - supports never been funded teachers with less than $100 to go.
Costume Box - supports teachers for costumes and the arts
FaerieFive - supports all projects
Heart of Texas - supports projects in Texas
Just Because you Care - Supports all projects
Hand in Hand Giving page - Supports all projects
Memories and Milestones - Supports all projects
Supporting Excellence in Education - Supports all projects
It's a Jungle Out There on Donorschoose - Supports all projects
Georgia Peaches on Donors Choose - Supports projects in Georgia and other great states
Furry Friends Donors Choose Giving page - Supports all projects
Projects to Lead the Way - Supports all projects
All About the Kids on Donors Choose - Supports all projects
And How are The Children - Supports all projects
Supporting School Counselors - Supports school counselors
Sweet Home Alabama - Supports projects for Alabama teachers but saves space for other teachers too.
Writing a Donors Choose project is fairly easy. The key is to keep your project small, be sure to donate to yourself, be sure to get as many donations as you can in the first 7 days and always be sure to promote your project. Don't just post and hope it will get funded, you have to work at it too. Remember to pay it forward to teachers. Please check out Southern Hospitality's page for helpful tips. These tips are very useful and will help you get your project funded.