Yesterday, we began creating our Ecosystems and the students were told they had to have a few mandatory things in their Terrariums. The mandatory items were: cockroach, plants, water, soil and some sort of light source. Then students were allowed to pick 6 optional items for them. They had choices such as: rocks, driftwood, shredded paper, sand, gravel, pool of water, shells, rotting wood, wood chips, moss and worms. Well needless to say everyone chose to have WORMS in their Ecosystems too. So, they began by working in trio's planning how they wanted to arrange their ecosystem and coming up with a plan as to what elements they wanted in it. It was so great to see my students working together! They worked hard to come up with their plans as to how they wanted their Ecosystems to look and feel. When they were putting them together yesterday, however, we didn't have our hissing COCKROACHES yet! With that being said they were pretty amazed with just their 3 worms too!
Today, we got the Cockroaches in and they put them into their new homes. Here is a picture of one of their Terrariums and you can see the Big 'Ol Cockroach on the left side of the tank!
This should be a fun time! I never thought I'd be saying I have a pet Cockroach in my room, but it's been pretty fun watching my students interact with one another and how happy these little things make them. We did have a scare today of the Cockroaches was laying backside up in the pool of water and the kids were convinced that he had drowned himself. I had to remind them how hardy Cockroaches were. I also told them they are nocturnal animals and he was just taking a snooze! We pushed him a little and sure enough his little legs began to wiggle! Whew....we hadn't killed him!
Well I'm sure I'll be telling you more about our little friends soon!

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