I am making a change in my classroom by giving my students numbers. I usually don't do that, but the more I have been thinking about it the more I think it will save me time! I love the idea of having the students put the work in order each day by student number, and I can see who still hasn't turned everything in. It will be awesome!
Okay so to start I went to Hobby Lobby and bought: a Black Magnetic Board, Washi Tape, Bottle Caps, Scrapbook Paper, and Magnets.
Next, I arranged it on my board and used the Washi Tape to make a grid. Inside the grid I placed the Bottle Caps using the magnets to apply them to the grid. I wrote student numbers on each of the Bottle Caps. Currently, I only have 15 students in my 5th grade class this year, but I made 20 Bottle Caps. This grid will be used to roll dice for students to win rewards if they have their work turned in for the week. I will make one dice with the letters STARS on it and another dice with the numbers 1-5 on it. I will roll the dice and let's say I roll a purple S and a 2 then the student whose number is in that intersection wins! I haven't come up with all of the prizes, but they will be things like: take your shoes off for the day, sit with a buddy, teacher helper, etc....
The catch is students who have missing work will have to take their numbers off the board until their work is caught up. On Friday I will roll the dice and those students who have all of their work turned in will have a chance to win! They will be able to place their Bottle Cap anywhere on the grid if there is an empty space, that way they are more in control! I'm excited about this, and hopefully this positive reward will motivate students to always have their work done in a timely manner!!
Here is a what my board looks like! The lighting isn't great, and I need to get a better picture, but this is what I have for now. I had to use my phone to take pictures tonight!
This idea was originally from Ms. Fultz and you can see her completed board here! She has awesome ideas, and this was fun to make!